Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 5 / last week

  For my last blog post I'll be answering a few questions about my journey through genius hour. (What was your favorite part of the topic you chose? What was your least favorite part of the topic you chose? What do you like best about Genius Hour research? What do you like least about Genius Hour research? What was the most important thing you learned about yourself, how you learn, or research in general as a result of this work?)
  My favorite part of the topic I chose (sewing) was the thought that when I finished my goal, I would have a new original top that I, myself, created. My least favorite part was the fact that I procrastinated through the whole project, so I ended up being stress the last couple days. The thing I liked most about genius hour is the fact that we can learn about anything we wanted for 6 weeks. The thing I disliked the most was the blogging. I didn't know what to write about most of the time. The most important thing I learned about myself is that I procrastinate, too much. Too much to the point that I couldn't think straight because of all the stress I had. 
  Overall I liked genius hour and my topic. It was a good learning experience for everyone, I'm sure. I hope to get more chances like this some other time. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Week 4

  Once again, I didn't really accomplish much this week. I watched a video of how to sew and thought it looked pretty easy. But I didn't try it. My goal this week is to try to sew and get the hang of it, so I can start sewing my top. 
  My mom taught me how to sew by hand years ago, but I want to learn other ways. My mom said that using a machine is faster and easier, but can be a bit tricky because of the hand movements you have to do. You have to move your hands along the sides of the needle, so the stitches can be moving straight on the material. Also, if you don't do this, you might hurt yourself. 
  I have about 2 weeks left to get my project done. Which includes a prezi about my topic, and the topic itself. I'm excited to see if I can accomplish not only my whole task, but my weekly task as well.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 3

  It's week 3 of genius hour and it seems like everyone has everything figured out, except for me.
  I haven't done much in my project. I just have the materials. I have a curve ruler, sewing machine, fabric scissors, and the fabric for my tops. I also have the pattern to the clothes I'm making. A pattern is the template from which the parts of a clothing article are traced onto fabric before being cut out and sewed together.
  I plan on being more productive with the rest of the time I have on this project and hopefully achieve my goal.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Week 1

    In English we're starting a new project called genius hour. Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school. For my genius hour I'm learning how to sew clothes.
    I think sewing clothes is going to be a challenge for me because it seems like you need a lot of patience to not just learn, but also do. Another way it might be hard is the choosing of the material. It's hard to find the right material, at a good price, for the clothes you want to make. Its even harder for me because I have a hard time making up my mind. A few days ago I went to JOAANS to get material and supplies, and I took 2 hours picking out the material. I could not make up my mind.
    I'm excited to see what's to come out of not only MY project, but genius hour as a whole. See if other peers accomplished their goals. And maybe I can even create my own wardrobe over time. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015